Számla Agent (Invoice Agent)

Issuing hundreds or thousands of invoices a day without human intervention?

It’s surprisingly easy to do with our Számla Agent (Invoice Agent) module. If you issue invoices to individuals, you can also issue e-receipts!


What problems does automatic invoicing solve?

How does it work?

Invoicing Agent - Számla Agent

Connecting your webshop (or other business application) with the Számlá system is a simple IT operation with all-round technical support from us.

Would you like to issue invoices automatically?

Read our guide to the establishment of the connection to see how you can connect your webshop with Számlá


Official Számlá plugin

Tested and approved by the developers of Számlá

For what systems are plugins available?

As a result of our partners’ developments, plugins are available for several systems that you can download and install.

These modules have not been developed by Számlá, therefore we can not take responsibility for their operation.

felhő matrac logó
shoptet logo

What systems have Számlá integration?

The software developers of the systems below have integrated Számlá, therefore invoicing via Számlá is fully functional without the installation of separate modules.

Checkout Navigator integráció Számla Agent
InnoNest Munkalapkezelő
Kardisoft - DokiRex integráció Számla Agenttel
Listamester Számlá integráció
Shopstart webáruház rendszer
Webshippy logo


The Számla Agent (Invoice Agent) solution can be used in all subscriptions (including the #free package) upon the payment of additional fees. With the help of the Számla Agent (Invoice Agent) you can issue paper-based (all service packages) and electronic invoices (#start, #digital and #profi packages), and further accounting documents (prepayment invoice, final invoice, pro forma invoice, reverse (or cancelled) invoice, corrective invoice, delivery note, receipt, reverse (or cancelled) receipt).

The progressive fee system of Számla Agent (Invoice Agent) for the issuing of paper-based and electronic invoices:

Number of paper-based and electronic invoices per month Monthly fee (VAT = the Hungarian tax called áfa)
0 No monthly fee
1 – 50 1 990 Ft + VAT
51 – 3 000 6 990 Ft + VAT
3 001 – 10 000 10 990 Ft + VAT
10 001 – 30 000 12 990 Ft + VAT
30 001 – 100 000 21 990 Ft + VAT
100 001 – 300 000 42 990 Ft + VAT

The price of e-invoices created by Számla Agent (Invoice Agent) is 6 HUF/piece (5 HUF+VAT/piece) in addition to the monthly fee for all packages.

For more than 300 000 invoices, the additional fee is + 13 990 HUF +VAT per 100 000 pieces. The fee is applied in addition to the package subscription fee. In all cases, the above fee is payable in arrears based on the number of invoices issued in the previous month.

Interested in our Számla Agent (Invoice Agent) service?

See the initial steps here.


Did you know?

Did you know that there is an even simpler way of issuing invoices to individuals than invoicing with Számla Agent (Invoice Agent)? If you issue a HUF-based invoice in Hungarian up to a certain maximum amount in the case of payment by cash or credit card, you as the seller may decide to issue a receipt instead of an invoice in the case that the customer does not require an invoice.

Do you have any question?

Contact us!